Our team at the StampMaker is amazing! We don't often talk about all the people it takes to run a small business, so we wanted to highlight some members of our team, with the added benefit of showing you how we all use stamps in our daily work.
First up, meet Natalie, one of our customer service representatives here at the StampMaker.

- How long have you worked at StampMaker?
- Five years, coming up on 6 in May.
- Position in the company? What do you do?
- I’m a customer service representative. I do a lot of different things, mainly answer emails, phone calls, and chats. Sometimes I create artwork files for customers to use to create orders. I also work with people to figure out what products they need to provide the best result for there applications.
- How do you use stamps in your job?
- Anytime I contact a customer regarding an order I stamp the paperwork with the date. When we pull up orders for production, we stamp them with the shipping method to help our shipping department categorize the orders.
- What part of your job is your favorite?
- I really enjoy helping people. It’s really fun for me to revise artwork files to create something that’s going to translate well to a stamped impression and it’s very satisfying seeing a design I’ve worked with for a while come through production as an actual order. It’s also really great to provide a solution to a custom who has struggled with a specific application. It’s nice to know I am potentially making someone’s job/ hobby easier for them to enjoy.
- Do you have a favorite stamp body? Why is it your favorite?
- Any of the Trodat Professional Series stamps and the Trodat Date Stamps. They make a very satisfying sound when you press down. Also any of the Maxlight stamps because the impressions are so crisp.
- What was the most surprising thing you learned about stamps when you started working here?
- That different applications require different types of ink. The ink used for stamping on regular paper is different from the ink needed for stamping on metal and is also different from ink needed to make a quality impression on fabric.
- If you could give customers one tip for ordering or using stamps, what would it be?
- If you have any type of question regarding your order, reach out to us. We are happy to answer any questions or make adjustments to the order to make sure you receive a product that is going to work for your application. Also double check your receipt to see if there is any discrepancy between what you ordered and when you are needing.
- What is it like working at a small female/family owned company?
- It’s so great! We are such a tight knit group and I really feel taken care of by the company. I’ve worked in a corporate setting before and I did not like it at all. I felt like a commodity and I truly feel like a person here.
- What are your hobbies outside of work?
- I like to read, watch movies and hang out with my husband and kids.
We hope you enjoyed getting an insider look at a member of our customer service team.
You can read more details about how we use stamps in our office to keep tasks moving on our website. If you have any questions, please send us an email at [email protected], and Natalie or one of our other Customer Service Representatives will be glad to help you get the products you need.