Quick Dry Inspection Stamps

Quick dry ink dries in as little as 20 seconds! Great for non-porous surfaces like metal, plastic, glossy paper, CDs and more. Pre-inked quick dry inspection stamps and quick dry stamp pads are available.


Copy Area 5/8" Diameter. Dries in 20-60 seconds on glossy and non-porous surfaces.
Copy Area: 1/4" Diameter
Dries in 30 seconds to 2 minutes on non-porous surfaces
Copy Area: 7/16" Diameter
Dries in 30 seconds to 2 minutes on non-porous surfaces
Copy Area: 1 1/8" Diameter
Dries in 30 seconds to 2 minutes on non-porous surfaces
Dries in 10 -15 seconds on non-porous surfaces.
Dries in 10 -15 seconds on non-porous surfaces.
Dries in 10 -15 seconds on non-porous surfaces.
Dries in 10 -15 seconds on non-porous surfaces.

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