Inspection Stamps

Count on our sleek and durable inspection stamps to make repetitive tasks simple! We offer pocket style, pencil cap and many other styles of inspection stamps in a variety of sizes & colors. Need several? Volume discounts are available!

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How to Use Stamp Designers

Inspection Stamps offers unique customization options for your inspection stamps, allowing you to create stamps that perfectly suit the needs of your business. You can even upload custom images to be put on an inspection stamp with our easy-to-use Stamp Designer tool. Or, choose an economical pre-designed option from our selection of stock stamps. No matter what type of business you run, inspection stamps make the approval of documents, parts, and other items a breeze.

Rubber inspection stamps can be used for quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) inspections. You can mark whether an item passed or failed inspection with accept and rejection stamps, or use pocket stamps for easy verification on the go. Each stamp can be personalized for custom inspections and simple coding.

What are Inspection Stamps Used For?

Inspection stamps make it easy to clearly display what items, documents, or packages have been approved or otherwise checked over by an authority. If you employ inspectors in your business, you can have custom stamps made for each individual, making it easy to know who inspected each item at a glance.

Quality Assurance and Control

If you work in manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, or other businesses where quality is routinely tested, inspection stamps can help make the job easier. Our customizable quality control stamps are more clear and easy to read than a signature or initial and provide additional uniformity for your QA and QC checks.

Accept and Reject Stamps

When documents, parts, or packages are being inspected and require a simple pass/fail mark, you can use inspection stamps to show whether or not the item was acceptable in a clear, easy-to-read fashion. Create your own custom accept and reject stamps, or use stock stamp options with phrases like “OK” or a simple “X” to show whether or not an item passed or failed inspection.

Coding or Initialing

Inspection stamps can double as coding or initialing stamps when you provide a customized stamp for each inspector in your facility. Simply customize the letters, numbers, or shapes on each stamp to correspond with each inspector. This provides accountability and proper documentation for your inspections.

Types of Inspection Stamps

We carry several types of inspection stamps so you can choose the best option for your business or facility needs. These quality stamps include options for quality assurance in manufacturing, high-volume inspections, or on-the-job quality control (QC). Some stamps can even be used on several types of surfaces — including metal or plastic — or with multiple colors of ink.

Self-Inking Inspection Stamps

Self-inking inspection stamps are excellent for high-volume stamping needs. Because you don’t need to stop to re-ink after every impression, self-inking inspection stamps can save time and hassle in your facility.

Traditional Inspection Stamps

Traditional inspection stamps are made with metal or wood handles and require a separate ink pad for use. These are economical options that provide versatility in the ink that is used, allowing you to stamp on several types of surfaces or in multiple colors.

Quick Dry Inspection Stamps

Quick dry ink dries in as little as 20 seconds, so it’s great for surfaces like metal or plastic. Quick dry inspection stamps are especially useful in manufacturing when parts need to be stamped as a step in the quality assurance process.

Pencil Cap Inspection Stamps

Pencil cap inspection stamps fit onto the eraser end of any standard pencil, allowing your inspectors to always have their approval stamps on hand.